written by Lena Jennings | read on 321sunday.com
Happy 3-2-1 Sunday,
Here are 3 sermon notes, 2 quotes, & 1 question to consider this week.
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3 Sermon Notes
God's been good to you; you just haven't realized it yet. You have help; you just haven't called for it yet. You have been so focused on how hard it is and so focused on how hurt you are that you have become blind to how much help you actually have.
You have more help than you have hurt.
Source: Think Like a Reaper
God's power isn't stopped by chaos. He can act even when things are confusing. He doesn't cause confusion, but it doesn't stop Him from working. Some folks wait for a perfect life before letting God work. They want peace and harmony first. But God doesn't need that. Even with negativity and chaos, God's power is seen.
God remains God, even when life's tough. He's God when everything's falling apart. He's God when you're anxious or stressed. He's God during war and disease. He's God even when you lose your job.
Source: Daddy I See the Wood
You can tell what God believes about you by what He commands you to do. Sometimes God drops something in our spirit, and yet we feel inadequate because we don't see ourselves the way that God sees us, but the mere fact that he put it in our spirit is a sign that he wants to bring it out from us.
God will never ask you to do something that he has not already given you the ability to partner with him and bring forth. I know he told you to start the business. I know he told you to break the generational curse. I know you're wondering how he's going to pull it out of you, but I want you to know that God would never ask you to do it if he didn't already put it inside of you. You serve a God who knows what he put inside you.
So I'm not depending on me; I'm depending on what God put inside of me. I'm taking his command as a sign that everything he wants to do through me he already put in me.
Source: An Uphill Battle
"The greatest surrender you may ever experience is letting go of your expectations for your life in order to embrace what God wants to accomplish through it. The greatest surrender that you could have is coming to a place where you say, "You know what? I'm going to believe what God believes about me." - Chrystal Evans Hurst
"There are many things we do, not because its our natural inclination but when the Spirit of God comes in you, you begin to desire what He desires for you." - Jerry Flowers
1 Question
What’s one thing you thank God for today?
Until next week,
I thank God for not giving up on me...
Thanks Lena for today's 3-2-1. It is really encouraging and great selections that compliment each other. I am so grateful to God for holding me in his hands no matter what. 🙏