written by Lena Jennings | read on 321sunday.com
Happy 3-2-1 Sunday,
Here are 3 sermon notes, 2 quotes, & 1 question to consider this week.
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3 Sermon Notes
God is so committed to His purpose that He will break through any obstacle. Picture this: a wrecking ball of God's grace and purpose, smashing through the walls you’ve built. He will not be deterred by your resentment or bitterness. Instead, He is determined to do a new thing in your life.
Source: Knocking through the No
Every big thing you fight in your life is something you didn't deal with when it was small. Nothing was ever born a giant. You have to have the courage to step on it, and you are being forced to fight now because if you don't fight now, you will have a generational fight later.
Source: Grasshoppers and Giants
It’s one thing to have boundaries, it’s another thing to have walls. Maturity sets boundaries but fear builds walls.
Source: World Full of Walls
“I told my friend, ‘I just can’t believe that after all God has done for me, I can’t find my motivation. I’m grateful and thankful, and I praise Him for what He’s done, but I guess I’m just getting lazy.’
My friend laughed and said, ‘Anyone who’s known you for five minutes knows there’s not a lazy bone in your body. It’s not that you’re lazy—you’re afraid. You’ve accumulated a few failures and disappointments, and so now you’re not showing up because you don’t want to fall short.’” - Levi Lusko
"When you cried, he heard. When you prayed, he heard. When you said, "I can't," he said, "I can." He heard! What a word for somebody who has felt like you're going crazy. You're not going crazy; you're building faith. You're getting strong in your spirit. You're getting strong in your beliefs. You're learning to walk not by what you see but by what God spoke." - Jessica Stephenson
1 Question
What are you building? What boundaries are going to be necessary for you to become that person?
Until next week,