written by Lena Jennings | read on 321sunday.com
Happy 3-2-1 Sunday,
Here are 3 sermon notes, 2 quotes, & 1 question to consider this week.
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3 Sermon Notes
Sometimes God will give you enough details to get you in the right area, but he won’t give you enough specifics where you won’t need him to show you what to do next. Sometimes we want God to show us everything about our lives and our decisions, but if he does, we won’t need him. So he gives us enough light to know the next steps, but not enough light that we won’t need him to guide us down the path.
Source: Don’t Miss Your Turn
Sometimes God wraps destiny in what we perceive as just another day. The same day David was told to take bread to the battle lines was the same day he stood over Goliath, but David didn’t know that. He would’ve missed his turn if he did not obey.
If David had not been willing to do the simple thing, he never would have seen the supernatural thing. We always want to look beyond, God says sometimes it’s doing the thing that seems beneath you that releases the blessing.
Source: 1 Samuel 17-51 (NLT)
Will you not stress for these next two weeks while you wait for the results? Because where you see a problem, heaven has a plan. You can't see it. You're not supposed to. You can't know it. You have to believe it by faith.
When you step out on faith, you’re stepping into God’s faithfulness.
Source: Joshua 3:14-17 (NLT)
"Sometimes we expect that when God announces a change in our lives, it’s going to be activated immediately. We get confused when God says, It’s your time, but he makes us wait our turn.
But when your turn comes, he knows exactly where to find you. Don’t stress out about it; don’t worry about whether people appreciate you; don’t worry about whether people notice you—it does not matter. You cannot disappoint what God has appointed. " - Preston Morrison
"At the time, I thought it was misery, but it was actually manna. It was all God’s provision. At some point in my story, I realized that it all came from the hand of God, who knows what’s best for me.
When you face trials of any kind, you realize that God’s not trying to kill you; he’s trying to keep you alive. Nothing can grow in your comfort zone,so from time to time, God is going to have to let something come into your life that destroys your comfort so you can fulfill your calling.
You won’t know the purpose of the pain if you write your story while you’re in it. The same God that rescued me was the same God that sent the trials to deliver me from myself." - Levi Lusko
1 Question
What part do you play when you come to pray?
There’s this African Proverb that says, “When you pray, move your feet.” Prayer is a two-person job; we move ourselves in the direction that we’re asking God to do in our lives.
Until next week,
A song on my 🤎
Lyrics repeating in my spirit 🎶
You have been so good to me
God, I can't believe how You love me
What a friend You have been
So good to me