written by Lena Jennings | read on 321sunday.com
Happy 3-2-1 Sunday,
This week, I took on a new role: Auntie LeLe. God has blessed our family with the most precious little boy, and as I sit here, cuddling this bundle of love (who just smells so good 🥰), I'm reflecting on how God’s goodness shines through in the tiniest of moments.
My whole family is all giddy over this baby’s every move. A sneeze? Ohh! A smile? Everyone stops and looks! Are his eyes opening? It's like watching the sunrise for the first time, every time.
But we do these things countless times a day without a second thought. It got me wondering: what other everyday miracles am I missing out on?
So I encourage you to think about: When was the last time you celebrated something seemingly ordinary in your life? How did it make you feel?
With love and a newfound appreciation for baby sneezes,
Auntie LeLe 💖
And now — here are 3 sermon notes, 2 quotes, & 1 question to consider this week.
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3 Sermon Notes
I think if God needed someone else, He would have picked someone else. If there are eight billion people in the world, God had choices. But He put you in that house, that business, that city. He put you with those people, those kids. God chose you.
Will you choose yourself? Every day you decide. Or will you try to be perfect when God knows you're not? He accepted you. Don't you accept yourself? Do you think you need to be better than God wants you to be?
Source: Turn Your Heart to Truth
A lot of times, it's not the absence of the voice of God that stops you from fulfilling your calling—it is the presence of other voices that you do not recognize as the enemy's voice until they lead you off the path of God's purpose for your life.
Source: Storm Developing Faith
The space between obeying today and God explaining later is called faith.
That thing you are unsure of and uncertain about is no reason for you to turn your back on God now. In fact, your uncertainty is God's job security. If you knew it all, He would have nothing left to do. If you had it all figured out, He would have nothing left to work out. God will leave these uncertainties in our lives in order to teach us to lean on Him.
God's promise will be different than you pictured, slower than you wanted, and farther than you thought.
Source: I Won’t Self-Destruct
"And that's the challenge: to depend on an invisible God who you can't see when you're facing challenges that are so big they are all you can see." - Sheryl Brady
"Where's the line between being content and being complacent? Because I want to be content in every circumstance, but I don't want my contentment to turn into an excuse where I can accept immaturity in my life. " - Don Johnson
1 Question
Who’s voice are you tuning to?
You can come down to the level of what you feel or come up to the level of what God says.
Let God be true and every man a liar.
Until next week,
This really spoke to me. Thank you.